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School Giving

Simple Acts of Kindness & Generosity to Bless our School Ministry

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Sending my daughter to Zion for eight years is the single best investment I've ever made. She is success oriented. Centered. And she knows who she is and that she is a valued child of God. I wholly credit her education at Zion as the bedrock this is based on.

We give because

Giving Changes Lives as We Give Back from All God has Given Us

Invest in the next generation of Christian leaders by considering a gift that will make an impact beyond the walls of our classrooms. Your gift will equip students to lead live of faith, purpose, service, and leadership through God's grace. The combined support of our alumni, parents, friends, and Zion congregation makes an immediate impact on our students. Please prayerfully consider a gift today. 

School Giving FAQs

Why should we give?
We give because of our stewardship practices of realizing everything we have is a gift from God. As we manage our resources, we share from our abundance to assist in the privilege of providing a dynamic Christian education on the Zion hilltop. It is about making a difference.
How can I give securely?
Follow the link "Give Now" to make a secure donation online. Checks can also be made out to "Zion Lutheran School" and sent to the school office. 
Where can I direct my donation?
Consider gifts to any of the following funds that will directly impact the Zion Lutheran School ministry
  • Learning Legacy Endowment- a visionary fund that will grow and provide resources to our school in order to bless future generations
  • Pamela J. Hight Scholarship Fund- a fund that provides scholarship dollars, based on need, for families that desire a Christian education at Zion
  • Annual Fund- a fund that provides for the operational and instructional purposes of Zion Lutheran School
  • General Donations- to be used for special projects such as updating the computer lab, constructing a walk/run trail, and improving our athletic field

Change Lives

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world. Are you ready to change lives with your generosity? Allow God to bless others through you!

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. ” 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)

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